Gillian May


Gillian May is a former nurse with a Master’s degree in mental health and addictions. She practiced for over 20+ years both on the front lines and at a management level providing quality care. She has since turned her experience towards freelance writing and providing educational blogs and articles about health, mental health, and addiction issues. Gillian has a unique perspective in the addictions field as she is a recovering alcoholic and lost her father to addiction as well. 


Combining her professional and personal experience, she knows how to write educational articles that really speak to the heart of things. Furthermore, she can take complicated research and put it in terms that are easy to understand by the general public. She’s firmly dedicated to accessible education and helping people gain the tools to make positive changes in their lives. She was born in Canada and currently lives in Colombia with her wife and 3 dogs. In her spare time, Gillian enjoys hiking, cycling, photography, gardening, and learning about plant medicine.

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